Puglia offers a remarkable artistic and natural heritage !
Nobody is left indifferent by PUGLIA.
There are lots of treasures, mostly of ancient and medieval origin, that are spread throughout the territory.
Without forgetting the 8OO KM of coastline that mark out the region.
Visiting Puglia-Italy means to be enchanted by a stunning coastline and fascinating cities as well as by a refined gastronomy .
Each village or town along the 800 km of coastline has a real cachet.
Without forgetting many sites : beaches, caves, or natural swimming pools
Do you know the MALDIVES OF PUGLIA? White sand, turquoise water, shallow, warm ...
Land of conquest, Puglia has been enriched by all the Greek, Roman, Norman, Spanish influences ...
OSTUNI, the white city with Greek accents,
MARTINA FRANCA , created by the French "Angevins" in the XIVth century
LOCOROTONDO, CISTERNINO are many charming villages to be seen ...
Do you need more information to help you plan your holiday?
Well-known all over the world for their particular shape, the “trulli” are cone- roofed homes of prehistoric origin, made of little smooth stones and a round base.
Castel del Monte
was built in XIII century on the Emperor Frederick’s request. It is a unique example of medieval military architecture.
Did you know it ?
MATERA, in Basilicata, not far from Resort Grottamiranda
has been ranked European Capital of Culture 2019.
Visit this unique place, as old as the city of ALEP,
cradle of humanity, natural site, remarkable architecture.
A few kilometres from The Resort Naturista Grottamiranda, the city has known two prosperous historic periods : the Roman Age and the one of the Kingdom of Naples.
During the Kingdom of Naples, Lecce gained great commercial importance and developed the construction of a variety of buildings as well as palaces of art so that the city is associated with the appellation of the “baroque of Lecce”
Discover all beautiful places of the town :
You may go through the city on foot beginning with the Piazza Mercantile.
Here we find the Basilica of St. Nicholas, which is located close to the seaside and to the sea it turns its back !
As for the Petruzzelli theatre, that’s a golden opportunity to visit.
It’s the fourth biggest theatre in the world. It has already welcomed big stars such as Frank Sinatra and Luciano Pavavotti.
Bari still keeps its authentic spirit.
Here you may still buy a Borsalino. A hat that has embellished the heads of lots of stars such as Belmondo and Machael Jackson.
To prepare your trip and visit Puglia-Italy, do not hesitate to consult the official website of the region:
A wealth of information: images, festivals, recipes, an infinite and picturesque richness is described.....